Thursday, December 19, 2019

Abortion Pro-Life or Pro-Choice Essay - 1130 Words

In the argument of abortion, there are many sides to be seen. Theres the pro-life side, which is the side that is against abortion. The next is the pro-choice side, which is the side that supports abortion. The two rival sides of this topic have a strong fire burning between them, making this one of the biggest political and moral debates of my lifetime. Whichever side you stand on, there are good arguments on either side. I personally am pro-choice. But look at the facts and see which side fits best. Pro-life is a term that describes the perspectives and activist movements against bioethics, which is the study of biological science and medicine. These beliefs have been derived from two basic religions, the Christian and Islamic faiths.†¦show more content†¦The opposing viewpoint, pro-choice, is that of the political and ethical view that women have the right to have complete control over fertility and pregnancy. This includes, but is not limited to, the right to have access to safe and legal abortions, protection against forced abortions, access to sexual education and contraceptives, and fertility treatments. All this adds up to the reproductive rights. Pro-choice believers are often found volunteering at clinics either as help before or after abortions or to shelter those receiving abortions from the harm of violent pro-lifers. Some people who are believers in the pro-choice view do not see a fetus as a living being. Some also believe that abortions are occasionally safer than going through childbirth. Two of the strongest beliefs in the pro-choice viewpoint are that every child brought into the world should be a wanted child and that every woman has the right to control her body. By the term wanted I mean that if the pregnancy was accidental and the mother does not want to take care of the child and it would be born into orphanage, it should not be brought into an unstable existence if at all possible. Women often do not find out about possible com plications with birth until after the conception, making her choice to abort even more pertinent if it may cause permanent damageShow MoreRelatedAbortion : Pro Life And Pro Choice1719 Words   |  7 PagesAbortion: Pro-Life and Pro-Choice â€Å"I have also said that anyone who doesn t feel sure whether we are talking about a second human life should clearly give life the benefit of the doubt. If you don t know whether a body is alive or dead, you would never bury it.† That was just one quote said by Ronald Reagan on the topic of abortion. 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People’s different perspectives and op inion on whether or not abortion is immoral continue to divide AmericaRead MoreAbortion : Pro Life Or Pro Choice?2491 Words   |  10 Pagesbeen many debates about abortion since the middle of the 1800’s, it is still a large problem in current times do to the question regarding women’s equality and freedom under the topic of abortion: pro-life or pro-choice? There have been many restrictions put on abortion clinics and doctors recently in attempts to put abortion clinics out of business, ultimately ending abortion in some areas and states. Many women, such as poor and minorities, are unable to get an abortion due to the location of theRead MoreAbortion : Pro Life Or Pro Choice1040 Words   |  5 PagesAbortion is a controversial topic in the world’s culture today. There are two major stances concerning abortion: pro-life or pro-choice. If an individual is pro-life, she recognizes that a baby is a human in the womb and wants to protect the life of the baby. If an individual is pro-choice, she believes the baby in the womb is not alive and the mother has the right to do away with the fetus. Each view has a value judgment on the topic of abortion. A value judgment is a judgment someone makes on theRead MoreAbortion : Pro Life And Pro Choice Essay1829 Words   |  8 Pages Abortions Abortions are one of the many things that everyone has an opinion on. As defined by the 2012 Merriam-Webster dictionary, an Encyclopedia Britannica Company, an abortion is, â€Å"the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus as a spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation--miscarriageRead MoreAbortion : Pro Life And Pro Choice1282 Words   |  6 PagesAbortions are one of the countless subjects that every person has an interpretation about. As defined by the 2012 Merriam-Webster dictionary, an abortion is, â€Å"the conclusion of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, succeeding in, or closely shadowed by the passing of the embryo or fetus as a natural removal of a human fetus during the first 12 weeks of gestation also known as a miscarriage, the tempted exclusion of a human fetus, or the dismissal of a fetus by a local animal often due to infection atRead MoreAbortion : Pro Life And Pro Choice971 Words   |  4 Pagestiny human or just a fetus? According to Webster Dictionary, abortion is â€Å"the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus†. There are two sides when it comes to abortion: pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-life supporters are usually religious individuals, individuals who believe it is a kind of murder, and/or people who believe in the sanctity of life. Pro-choice supporters are normally individuals who believe a woman has theRead MoreAbortion : Pro Choice Or Pro Life Essay1492 Words   |  6 Pages The topic of abortion is a highly controversial discussion that has been prominent in the debates of morals and politics for decades. Most people agree that on the topic of abortion, it is like a black and white fallacy, which is an issue that only has two options. For example, a black and white and fallacy is that a person can either be a Republican or Democrat, there is no other option. In the discussion of abortion, the black and white fallacy is either pro-choice or pro-life. Despite this commonly

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